Adoption has been a topic close to my heart. A secret topic close to my heart. It wasn't one of those I spoke much about or acted upon, but dream I did. From when I was in 8th grade and I heard a rather vivid story on adoption and I saw how integrated and happy they all were and how hard the pre-adoption stage was for both, and I swore to myself that I would grow up and adopt.
Well, I grew up, and no, I did not adopt. For some, life isn't steered too consciously, and I did not pay much attention to where I sailed, and now am at the point where I know that that boat has sailed what with my age and stage in life. That only makes the desire and dream all the more poignant when I do hear stories or meet folks who have opened up their hearts and lives, it creates that pang in my heart. There's that tug, a gentle choke of the voice chords and there is that mist that appears when I see them, making them all look like well, angels.
In recent years, Ive known a few of these wonderful families, and the count is only increasing. Bless their hearts!
That's enough about me, and let me introduce you to this amazing woman who has followed her instincts and heart and charted off into unknown territories with nothing more than faith and belief in herself and her husband. Unassuming and with an air of quiet acceptance hiding all the turmoil as she worked her way through to the surface, Lakshmi and I go a very long way back.
Both of us started blogging right about the same time, and with so few Indian bloggers in the US back then, most quickly knew each other and we built a rapport, like we do, through our words, experiences and the tales we spun on our blogs. She had an ephemeral way of expressing her thoughts, almost dream like, and many of us watched her through her initial gloom with despair and helplessness, coz that's all anyone could offer.
Then when I found her again after being offline a bit, there she was happy and preening over her babies. She writes it all on her blog.
She is also an amazingly helpful, kind person, who without hesitation, opened up to me with what I posed. If I was in wonder and awe with her last five years, I now am also filled with gratitude and joy in knowing her and to the value that one can add on with such experiences.
Without any more delay, here is Lakshmi Iyer, on her adoption process and becoming a mom, a parent. :-)
Her blog: Saying Out Aloud.