Monday, March 23, 2015

New Things Are Happening!

Am excited!

My mind's always racing and jumping from one (mostly sane, but occasionally harebrained) idea to another, and I love the sparks it lets off. Just yesterday, an idea that got into my head a couple of days ago saw fruition and I will be ready to reveal in the next couple of days. I can't wait!
Spring has sprung!

Three things:
  • Thanks to a casual conversation with a friend, something simple has the potential to turn into something more beautiful. Am clapping my hands in glee :-) 
  • Also, I will be moving to my own domain and hence the delay and postponing of this week's story. I'll be back in the next few days with a spiffy new look and it will be worth it, I promise you! 
  • Also, the next story is pretty darn cool! 
Stay warm and happy Spring, wherever you are :)

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